Conditions that Can be Treated Using Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections

Platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) therapy and injections help the body to use its natural mechanisms to heal itself. The injections used are made up of the patient’s platelets. This therapy is used to assist in the healing of tendons, muscles, joints, and ligaments. The conditions that can be treated using PRP injections include muscle strains and tennis elbow. PRP therapy is great for Injuries resulting from the overuse of tendons and muscles.

In this article, Francis Burns Kelly discusses how PRP works and its effectiveness. 

How PRP Works on injuries

During the past several years, much has been written about a preparation called platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and its potential effectiveness in the treatment of injuries.

Many famous athletes — Tiger Woods, tennis star Rafael Nadal, and several others — have received PRP for various problems, such as sprained knees and chronic tendon injuries. These types of conditions have typically been treated with medications, physical therapy, or even surgery. Some athletes have credited PRP with their being able to return more quickly to competition. Read more here

Doctors believe that growth factors in PRP help in the healing process. The PRP treatment has been used on fractures, knee arthritis, chronic tendon injuries, and acute ligament injuries. This treatment has also been introduced as part of therapy after some surgeries to help with tissue healing. PRP injections are used in two ways. It can be directly injected in the injured area to jumpstart the healing process, or after surgery to improve healing.

In the following article on, the preparation process, composition, medical use, and adverse effects of PRP are discussed.

How PRP injections are prepared

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), also known as autologous conditioned plasma, is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma protein derived from whole blood, centrifuged to remove red blood cells. Evidence for benefit is poor as of 2016. The cost per injection is generally $US 500 to 2,000 as of 2019.

Evidence for benefit of PRP is poor as of 2016.It has been investigated for chronic tendinitis, osteoarthritis, in oral surgery, and in plastic surgery. It has not been found to be useful in rotator cuff disease. Tentative evidence supports its use in osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Read more here

It is important to note that this treatment is prepared using the patient’s blood, which is placed in a centrifuge. This is done to separate platelets from the other blood components. This process lasts for about 15 minutes. This process leads to an increase in the concentration of platelets and growth factors by at least 600%. The platelets are then injected around the injury. The growth factors introduced in the injury promotes relief and reduces inflammation.

In this article on, Rachel Nall gives an overview of PRP, including the potential side effects of using this treatment.

The Potential Side Effects of PRP treatments

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a substance that’s thought to promote healing when injected. Plasma is a component of your blood that contains special “factors,” or proteins, that help your blood to clot. It also contains proteins that support cell growth. Researchers have produced PRP by isolating plasma from blood and concentrating it.

The idea is that injecting PRP into damaged tissues will stimulate your body to grow new, healthy cells and promote healing. Because the tissue growth factors are more concentrated in the prepared growth injections, researchers think the body’s tissues may heal faster. Read more here

Before going for PRP treatment, you need to discuss with your doctor potential side effects. Since a substance will be injected into your body, you need to know some of the things that could go wrong. Possible side effects include infection, nerve injuries, tissue damage, and pain at the injected area. Understanding the benefits and potential outcomes of this treatment will help you to make an informed decision, depending on your injury.

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Owen Baker

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